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Inter Parish Collaboration

Parish Focus: Exploring inter-parish collaboration via regional workshops

One of five areas that has emerged from the Diocesan Renewal Journey is inter parish collaboration which calls on parishes to look beyond their boundary and engage with other parishes to create hubs to work on common initiatives and become a source of encouragement for each other.

Team Members

Trevor Cooper, Chairperson, Sawtell Parish Pastoral Council, Team Coordinator
Jerome Fernandez, St Augustine’s Parish, Coffs Harbour
Geoff Melville, Assistant Principal, Mission, St Paul’s College, Kempsey, Macleay Valley Parish
Kerri Olsen, St Anthony’s Parish, Kingscliff
Ann Pereira, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Wauchope
Christine Wightley, Chairperson, Sacred Heart Parish Pastoral Council, Murwillumbah
Fr Roland Agrisola, Assistant Priest, St Agnes’ Catholic Parish Port Macquarie

September 24 update:

Following almost eight months of meetings, the team exploring inter-parish collaboration via regional workshops held the first Regional Collaboration Workshop on Saturday 21 September 2024 for the formation of delegates from the “Pilot Cluster” parishes of Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads and Kingscliff.

Led by Trevor Cooper, Chairperson of the Inter Parish Collaboration Team, the workshop opened with a message of support from Bishop Greg, followed by prayer and reflection. A call to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in listening and discerning and to gain benefits by sharing ideas, skills and resources in a model that involves clergy and laity in Mission and Planning.

There were four PowerPoint presentations, each one followed by a Q&A session. The Q&A sessions provided excellent feedback from the parish delegates. There was acknowledgement that the delegates offered great shared knowledge and wisdom.

  1. A presentation on Cultural Change – presenting the concept that parish collaboration starts by accepting the call for conversion, first at a personal level then as a community. Outlining the reasons why there is a need for change while also acknowledging that there may be some resistance and that is to be expected. For there to be successful change there needs to be: a sense of direction; knowledge; emotional engagement and a shaped pathway.
  2. A presentation on the Business Basis for Collaboration – outlining one of the first tasks of collaboration needs to be a desire to work together for better organisational capability and financial sustainability in order to deliver greater parish vitality.
  3. A presentation on the Theological Basis for Collaboration – informing our call to be a collaborative church. Collaboration among parishes in a region is a concrete expression of the Church as communion and mission. Belonging to one Body, and gifted differently, each member mutually supports each other with the gifts one has been entrusted. The information presented was supported by reference to Scripture, Canon Law and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
  4. A presentation on Discernment in Common – presenting an understanding of the need for an absolute trust in God’s willingness and power to lead us to our goal as we all work together without prejudice in a culture of trust. With trust and prayerful discernment, the outcome will be the generation and prioritisation of ideas for improvement in our parishes.   

A general question and answer session followed and delegates were also provided with an outline of the information that they will be asked to prepare for the October 2024 workshop. The day closed in prayer.

Please continue to keep this project in your prayers.

April Update:

Trevor Cooper, of Sawtell Parish, chairs the Inter Parish Collaboration Team which has has been meeting every fortnight since late February.

The Team has been working on identifying the exact parameters of the project, its scope, barriers to participation and the participation process.

Members are presently putting together presentations on: the Biblical and Theological Basis for Participating in the Project; the Business Basis for Participation; Cultural Change; and developing a Process for Discernment of Delegates. These will for part of a formation process for Parishes that seek to participate that will be conducted by the Project Team.

In April, a letter introducing the Project has been sent to all Parish Priests, Parish Pastoral Councils and Parish Finance Committees seeking to secure their in-principle support.

A Pilot Parish Grouping has been determined although contact with that group has yet to occur and will be part of the Team’s next step.


to create a vision for the future

Lismore Diocesan Renewal Journey