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First inter-parish collaboration workshop held

One of areas of focus that emerged from the Diocesan Renewal Journey is the opportunity for inter parish collaboration which calls on parishes to look beyond their boundary and engage with other parishes to create hubs to work on common initiatives and become a source of encouragement for each other.

To address this need, the Inter-Parish Collaboration Project Team was formed and has been meeting throughout 2024.  It is working to foster partnerships between clergy and laity, emphasising the importance of listening, discussing and reviewing to cultivate an ongoing renewal journey, all while working together as a Missionary Church.

In September 2024, delegates from the Initial “Pilot Cluster” parishes of Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads and Kingscliff convened, with plans for another meeting in October 2024.  They are examining opportunities for collaboration from parish life vitality, financial sustainability and organisational capability perspectives.

Trevor Cooper from Sawtell Parish is leading the Inter-Parish Collaboration Team, which will progressively be inviting all parishes within the Lismore Diocese to participate in further clusters of geographic proximity.

Catholic Parish of Alstonville and Wardell set goals

Margaret Gill, Catholic Parish of Alstonville and Wardell – Coordinator, said that in 2023, the Council reviewed the data from the Parish Vitality Survey which was one of the first stages of the Lismore Diocesan Renewal Journey.

Margaret said the survey highlighted many strengths within the Parish, but it also identified engagement with youth and communication with the congregation as areas needing attention.  Although a parish plan was already in place, the Council decided to establish two specific goals:

  • Reconnect with the youth of the Parish and provide opportunities for greater involvement.
  • Increase and strengthen communication within the broader Parish community.

The findings and goals from the Parish Vitality Survey have been shared with the congregation through an oral presentation and visual display. Strategies to address youth engagement and communication are being developed, and the Council is committed to making meaningful improvements in these areas.  These efforts to reconnect with the youth and enhance communication align with the Diocesan Renewal Journey.  (Pictured are the Parish Altar Servers on a day out which is organised by the Parish).

Macleay Valley Parish

During the past twelve months, members of the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council of the Macleay Valley Parish have been exploring ways to plan for the future as part of the Lismore Diocesan Renewal Journey.  After several joint meetings, a small group, with members from each Council, was set up to prioritise the main areas of focus for the parish.  Member of the Finance Council, Mick Eller, said the small group will bring their recommendations back to the councils for consideration. Chairperson of the Pastoral Council, Kevin Lewthwaite, (pictured) said many parishioners have been involved in consultations and giving feedback as part of this Renewal Journey. Kevin said the journey has challenges but with prayer and having trust in the Holy Spirit, to guide and walk with us, we are working toward positive and rewarding outcomes and experiences for our Parish and our community. He said that any journey takes time to reach a destination with opportunities along the way to pause, explore, experience, refresh, reassess then continue.

Youth team progress

The need for continued development of effective ministry with young people in the Diocese is a key issue for almost every parish.  The renewal team appointed to explore this area is exploring various organisational structures that might support the growth and development of young people within the diocese. The Team continues to meet regularly and is currently examining the pros and cons of each different model for youth development.

Exploring inter parish collaboration

One of the key areas identified during the Renewal consultations was the opportunity to explore inter-parish collaboration which calls on parishes to look beyond their boundary and engage with other parishes to create hubs to work on common initiatives.  The team, appointed by Bishop Greg to focus on this area, is putting the final touches on its presentation to parishes and has made contact with the Pilot Parish Grouping.  The Coordinator of the Team, Trevor Cooper from Sawtell parish, said the team has had a wonderfully encouraging response from Parish Priests, Parish Pastoral Councils and Parish Financial Councils.

Murwillumbah Parish Family Friendly

As a result of the Renewal process Murwillumbah Parish identified that mass times weren’t being family friendly.  As a result the parish has changed mass times. The great news here is, that the parishioners who provided the feedback in the survey also spoke with Fr Peter Wood and the parish office. By the time the survey results had come out, the parish had already implemented the new mass times!  

Pastoral Council Plan

Ballina Parish’s Vitality Survey highlighted parishioner desire to have greater understanding of and opportunity for input into pastoral planning. After reflecting on the information and messages from the Renewal, Fr Peter Padsungay, Fr Anselm Okeke and Ballina Parish leaders have committed the parish to having a Pastoral Council and have commenced the process of its formation.  


to create a vision for the future

Lismore Diocesan Renewal Journey